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So Easy 3 Day Cleanse

So Easy 3 Day Cleanse with Wheatgrass is a thorough and completed cleansng program that removes chronic fecal matter. Its the only colon cleansing product that has Oil Palm Fiber - an ingredient that helps expel toxic substances that normal bowel movement is unable to remove.


It is a complete diet program that replaces all regular meals. This cleansing process is necessary to allow the digestive system to naturally eliminate hard to remove waste and rebuild damaged cells and tissues within the system. With a cleaner digestive system, the nutrients blended into each sachet of So Easy are better absorbed and assimilated by the body to facilitate the continuous removal of chronic waste and toxins.


The So Easy 3 Day Cleanse is a complete regimen that rests the intestinal system and replaces your meals for 3 days. The program aims to remove all toxins from your body.

One set contains 3 days of the Cleanse, which includes 3 boxes (one for each day) that provide complete nutrition for three whole days including the wheatgrass, electrolyte drinks and thick and tasty shakes containing the patented oil palm truck fiber.


Breakthrough Health Benefits


The So Easy 3 Day Cleanse is nothing short of a breakthrough from the Far East. The secret is a fiber from the oil palm tree that penetrates the accumulation un the colon and lubricates the colon wall - making it slippery so that the rubbery accumulation "slips right out". 


  • Is there a money-back guarantee?
    No, we do not offer a money back guarantee. This is because we have no way of knowing if directions were followed (as well as the pre-cleanse directions). It is also because people have taken advantage of our money back guarantees in the past, saying the cleanse did not work for them when it really did. We hope you understand that you are doing this cleanse at your own financial risk. Most likely - yes, the cleanse will work for you, as it has worked for thousand of others! (In the US, Malaysia, and all over the world).
  • Who needs to undergo colon cleansing?
    Individuals who are experiencing the following or have health history of the following need to undergo colon cleansing: 1) Constipation 2) Over Weight 3) High Blood Sugar Level 4) Hypertension 5) Bloated 6) Irritable Bowel Syndrome 7) Indigestion 8) History of Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke and other diseases. 9) People who have been into bad vices such as Alcohol Drinking, Smoking and excessive eating of fatty and acidic foods.
  • Why Colon Cleanse?
    After you have known and learned a lot of information about colon cleansing, it is now the best time for you to cleanse and detoxify your body organs. Here are the top 12 symptoms associated with the need for you to cleanse your colon: 1) Frequent fatigue and low energy These are the most common symtoms you will experience of your body system is no longer functioning very well. 2) Flatulence, gas and bloating These are stomach conditions that you will feel once your intestines are full of harmful chemicals and toxins. 3) Excess Weight Weight gain is usually the result of fats that have not been dissolved properly. 4) Impaired Digestion This means that your digestive system is no longer functioning properly due to accumulated waste matters in your intestines. 5) Irritability and Mood Swings This just shows that there is really something wrong going on inside your system. It is the most common symptom you will feel when you are not feeling well. 6) Bad-breath and foul-smelling stools This means that your intestines and colon are congested due to compacted materials. 7) Recurring headaches This is what you will usually experience when you are suffering from constipation and irregular bowel movements. 8) Constipation This means that your digestive system is not properly digesting the foods that you are eating. The nutrients from the food you eat are not properly distributed to the different body organs as well. 9) Protruding belly This shows that you are gaining too much fat and carbohydrates in your system. 10) Powerful food cravings When you feel that you are not satisfied even after you have just eaten. 11) Skin Problems When you are experiencing some kind of skin diseases that keeps on coming back even if you are treating it, then something is not right in your internal organs. 12) Metallic taste in mouth If you are experiencing a metallic after taste, it means that your system is already full of toxins and chemicals.
  • How do I prepare for the cleanse?
    The Pre Cleanse phase prepares your bowels for the cleanse. It is a 3 day regimen to help loosen up the bowels and prepare your GI system for the 3 Day Cleanse. In these 3 days to prevent reactions such as dizziness, headaches and bloating, it is highly recommended that you reduce your calorie and portion intake.
  • What if my bowels won’t move?
    -You may be dehydrated. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER WHILE DOING THE CLEANSE. -Be sure all instructions are followed correctly. ï‚· -You could be under a lot of stress. On an emotional level, you may feel the pressure of getting that mucoid plaque out or trying to move your bowels immediately. Some people may have tight sphincters (a ring of muscle surrounding and serving to guard or close an opening such as the anus) due to stress.
  • What if I still can’t go?
    -It is imperative that you move your bowels daily. If you have not moved your bowels on the first day of the cleanse, we recommend using an over the counter enema to facilitate the bowel movement which is very easy and effective to use. Sometimes there are people who do not prepare their colon by doing the pre-cleanse phase of the program. They tend to eat a lot knowing that they will be doing the cleanse for the next 3 days so this clogs up their system within the first day of the program. ï‚· -So drink a lot of water and massage your abdomen. Some people have hypoactive bowels due to stress.
  • Will I be hungry during the cleanse?
    -You will be receiving full meal replacements so this will not make you hungry. The high fiber content of the meal replacements in the program will keep you satisfied.  -If ever there is any hunger, it usually is on a psychological level. People are attracted to food and crave food at this emotional level.  -If you absolutely feel like you’re hungry - here are some suggestions: 2 tablespoons a couple times daily of - yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, all sugar free and no milk.
  • Will I have diarrhea or an irritable bowel, uncontrollable urge or cramps?"
    -No. You will be eliminating full and bulky stools, not loose and watery. You shouldn’t have an irritable bowel either.  -No cramps. You will only have your normal or usual urge to move your bowels.
  • Should I stop my medications?
    -If you are taking prescription medication for daily use, you may use them during the cleanse. ï‚· -If you are taking prescription medications for a period of time, finish the course of your prescription before beginning the program.
  • What are some occurrences that may happen during the cleanse?
    -Keep in mind that when doing the 3-day cleanse, you will be releasing a lot of toxins, so it is imperative that you drink a lot of water.  -Constipation – During detox, increased metabolism accelerates water usage in the body. The quantity of water has to be increased, otherwise not enough water will cause hardening of mucoid and this won’t excrete from the body. Increase water consumption and exercise would be the solution.  -Dizziness, hot and sweaty – During the detox process, large amount of toxins are released from the cells in the blood streams and so this triggers body defense system and blood circulation to transport these toxins into the liver then the colon. This process is indicated by higher body temperature. By drinking a lot of water and after the completion of detoxification the body temperature will normalize. You may feel light and energetic.  -Thirsty – Bio-Cell contains nucleic acid that helps repair the cell and proliferation of the cell which will increase body metabolism. Therefor a large quantity of water is needed to help the needs of the body.  -Bloating – This is due to the pre-existing GIT problem. With the excretion of mucoid, this condition will improve.  -Insomnia – The strong peristalsis of colon and the constant urge of passing motion affects the sleeping qualities in some people.
  • Who shouldn’t do the cleanse?
    -Those that feel rejection or bias towards the cleanse ï‚· -Body weight lower than 25% of ideal body weight ï‚· -Chronic disease patient or a very weak constitution ï‚· -Pregnant or breast feeding moms ï‚· -Hyperparathyroidism

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135 E Chestnut Ave

Suite 6A

Monrovia CA 91016


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